No Hot Water!

Don’t panic, call us first. We are experienced in all hot water repairs and replacement and always aim to restore hot water the same day, electric or gas.

Fast and immediate hot water repairs for all brands and models

If your existing water heater is experiencing an issue such as no hot water or a major leak, we can dispatch our plumber repair team today. With crew at multiple locations across Sydney, we can send the nearest available team direct to your door 24 hours, 7 days.

Guaranteeing that only a fully qualified and highly experienced plumber will attend your property, you can be rest assured that the job will be done to the highest of standards.

If the unit can be repaired we will do so, if the unit is burst we can supply and install all major brands including Rheem, Vulcan, Aquamax, Dux, Rinnai and Bosch.

It is important to match the correct unit to the application, energy wise, budget wise and efficiency wise.
One of our experienced and licensed plumbers can discuss the different options available, including all major brands, models and efficiency to meet your home or business needs. We will also remove your old unit.

Feel free to call and discuss anytime with a licensed plumber in our office at all times.

For advice, service, repair or replacement of all types of hot water problems, call Rouse Hill Plumbing on 0411 852229 for fast service in the Sydney Hills and Hawkesbury areas.

What Type Of Hot Water Heater?

A “continuous flow” or “instantaneous” hot water system heats water as it is used and does not store water so can never “run out”. These are suitable where there is a large or constant demand for hot water or where there are space limitations.
A Mains Pressure hot water service is probably the most common type of unit available, be it gas or electric. It stores hot water in a tank and uses the pressure from the water main to push the hot water to the taps at the same pressure as the cold water.