
Mini Excavator
The Mini Excavator is ideally suited for work in a confined place, such as in urban construction work, gardening, pipe-laying and many other jobs.

When you need a Mini Excavator call Rouse Hill Plumbing our operators are the best in the business and can assist with any scale of project with these versatile machines.

  • 900mm access: The Mini Excavator can get into tight access spots with 900mm or more clearance, making it great for big jobs with tight access.
  • Post and stump hole drilling: The Mini Excavator has a drill attachment for all hole digging.
  • Pool and spa excavation: Get precise and fast pool and spa excavation with the Mini Excavator.
  • Footing excavation: This machine is ideal for footing excavation in tight spots.
  • Plumbing trenches: Rouse Hill Plumbing operators are highly trained and qualified plumbing trench diggers with skills and experience to do a safe and precise job every time.
  • Rock & Concrete breaking: Get rocks and concrete broken fast with the Mini Excavator, it makes short work of the tough stuff.

Mini Excavators are perfect for big jobs on small sites
Call us today on 0411 852229 to discuss your Project

Fire Service Systems

One of the best methods to protect your home is with a well thought out sprinkler system. A sprinkler system is not stand alone protection but will additionally safeguard a well prepared property in conjunction with the methods outlined in this booklet. A correctly designed sprinkler system will completely cover the house with water as well as dampen the surrounding vegetation. With an adequate water supply and a well chosen pump, it can be used to actively defend your property during a bushfire. Apart from sprinkler heads, firefighting hose outlets can also be incorporated into the system. Fire hoses can then be attached and used to put out spot fires before they spread.

Sprinklers protect our factories, office buildings, and other commercial structures from the devasting effects of fire. But what about where fires are most common – in and around our homes. Until recent years, fire sprinklers in homes were unheard of and limited primarily to high rise buildings. Fire sprinklers, however offer potential benefits for virtually every home. Fire sprinklers can save lives and reduce property loss. Residential  fire sprinklers can contain or even extinguish fires in less time than it would take the fire brigade to arrive at the scene in rural areas.


  • Roof mounted sprinklers. Butterfly sprinklers are mounted along the bottom edge of roofs to provide water to wet both the roof and wall surfaces.
  • Ground sprinklers. Stand mounted butterfly or impact sprinklers are used to divert water onto the roof and wall surfaces. 
  • Window drenchers. Spray water onto windows as they represent a high risk area for ember attack to the interior of the building
  • Domestic internal sprinklers, extended to cover external risk areas, e.g. roof, doors, windows etc.
  • Garden sprinklers directed back onto the building can perform well in defending the house. For example, large ground sprinklers placed on the windward and bush sides of the house – so that the roof eaves and verandah can be kept wet – provide protection in conjunction with other measures.
  • Combinations of the above.